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How nad+ and mitochondria works in anti aging solutions
Recent progress on the roles of NAD+ in aging NAD+ levels appear to decrease with aging in a variety of tissues, including the skin, lungs, spleen, kidney, liver, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, heart, brain, kidney, pancreas, and kidney. In addition, it is stated that the levels of NAD+ decrease with age in tissues from Caenorhabditis […]
What are the 9 hallmarks of aging?
Aging was described as “a sustained fall in the age-specific fitness components of an organism due to intrinsic physiological degradation” in the 1991 book Evolutionary Biology of Aging. The concept of the aging process is somewhat broad. The difficulty in defining aging is that it is a complex process. There is no one explanation for […]
How mitochondria affect ageing
It is believed that mitochondrial dysfunction, which includes reduced oxidative capability and increased oxidative damage, plays a significant role in biological aging. Several decades ago, it was proposed that mitochondria have a fundamental influence on aging. One theory postulates that excessive creation of extremely harmful reactive oxygen species damages biomolecules over time, causing aging (ROS). […]
Why you should consult a doctor before using meal replacement shakes
Meal replacement shakes have always been very popular to encourage weight loss, but how do you know if they are a great choice for you? We should begin by first understanding what are meal replacement shakes. Meal replacement shakes provide a prepackaged amount of energy and nutrients, although these vary greatly among products. The advantage […]
IntroductionHow Mitochondria, NAD+ & NMN Make It Possible to Unlock Greater Health & Vitality 01. Cells Cells are the basis of life Each of our stories begin with cells. In fact, every one of us is made up of 37 trillion of them. Although these structures are tiny, they are incredibly powerful. Cells form our […]
ATP & Energy: Understanding the Relationship Within your Cells
All life depends on energy. From the simplest organisms to the most complex, energy is what drives everything. Without it, we would not be able to survive. In this blog post, we will discuss ATP molecules and their role in providing energy to our cells. We will also explore how ATP is produced and what […]